*** rearranged from its original date – so please book!***

A healthy stride into the countryside for 13-18 year olds who want to walk to the talk on climate change.

Great for wellbeing & making connections with like-minds.

In association with Avon Schools Eco Network.

Part of a series of creative walkshops with Kilter Theatre journeying from climate anxiety to climate action. See www.kiltertheatre.org/projects/one-small-step

A ‘knock it to ‘em’ stride into the countryside for 13-18 year olds who want to walk to the talk on climate change.

Sometimes as an eco-conscious teenager you can feel powerless to initiate the things you know need to happen. It’s your future! You need to make it happen!

This is a parent-free zone for young people to air their climate worries & rehearse their plans to take action. Do you need to persuade someone to use less plastic, eat less meat or fly on fewer short-haul flights? This is your dress rehearsal, with like minded people, in the beautiful countryside around Bath!

This walkshop is run in association with Avon Schools Eco Network & all the walk leaders are appropriately qualified for this activity.

We want every walkshop in our One Small Step programme to open & accessible to all.  If, in order to be there, you need any assistance (including financial assistance for train fares, babysitters etc) please get in touch with kilterolly@gmail.com.

This is designed as a parent-free walkshop, facilitated by DBS checked and appropriately qualified walk leaders. Please get in touch if you are not within the recommended age but have a reason for wanting to join us.

No dogs on this walk please.  Please do get in touch with any queries.

Booking is essential, you can book directly with Kilter here – Book Heroic Teenagers

Start Date
10:00 am 8th October 2023
End Date
12:30 pm 8th October 2023
2 hours 30 minutes