A mindful imaginative walkshop to create meaningful relationships with our neighbours in nature.

Great for wellbeing, creativity & hopetimism.

Sometimes the most effective way to stand up for nature is by listening to what it has to say.

Join Kilter Theatre for this creative, mindful ‘walkshop’ gives you the time and tools to empathise with the natural world just outside our front doors.

Take some well earned time off for this quiet mindful saunter into a magnificent local woodland with breathtaking views. Reconfigure your priorities & gain new wisdom, insight and inspiration from the great outdoors. Come home with new friends & allies: humans & non-humans alike!

Kilter want every walkshop in their One Small Step programme to be open & accessible to all.  If, in order to be there, you need any assistance (including financial assistance for train fares, babysitters etc) please get in touch with kilterolly@gmail.com.

Little people (and dogs!) welcome, but please let them know when booking.  The walk starts at the Hare and Hounds car park, Lansdown Road and walks in the surrounding countryside, there are some steep sections, kissing gates and narrow paths.

Booking is essential, please book via Kilter’s website – one-small-step-23rd-september

Part of a series of creative walkshops with Kilter Theatre journeying from climate anxiety to climate action. see www.kiltertheatre.org/projects/one-small-step

Start Date
10:00 am 23rd September 2023
End Date
12:30 pm 23rd September 2023
2 hours 30 minutes