Here at Bathscape we are on a mission to enhance the countryside around Bath and encourage people to enjoy it.
We have produced a new walking booklet to help you explore. The eleven walks are less than four miles and have something for kids to do along the way.
Download our walking booklet here – Bathscape Walking Booklet
Each walk has a map and easy to follow directions on where to go and what to look out for. There are links to longer walks as well for when you want to go further afield.
If you’d like physical copies of the booklet, get in touch at and we’ll get some to you.
We’d love to hear your feedback on the walks and this booklet. Get in touch or tag us in on social media when you’re out and about enjoying them.
The walks are based on our self-guided walks created for us by Cotswolds National Landscape and our team of volunteers.
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